In collaboration with ICC Sydney and NetNada, ABEA is undertaking a robust and detailed carbon footprint and sustainability assessment of the ABEA Conference 2024.
NetNada is a sustainability and technology business that has assisted hundreds of companies in identifying, measuring, reducing, and reporting their carbon emissions.
Through the assessment, ABEA aims to:
Understand the carbon footprint of the event
Establish a baseline analysis and understanding of the event’s sustainability impacts
Identify where the choices we made have resulted in positive environmental outcomes
Learn where we can build on our successes to plan future reductions of our carbon footprint, while also ensuring accountability and authenticity in all that we do
Our assessment with NetNada employs Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard to ensure a reliable, universally recognised approach to quantifying the event’s carbon footprint.
Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions will all be included in the assessment.